Sat: 12:00 - 16:30
Sun: 12:00 - 16:30
Country Club
Brompton Road, Newlands
Call us: 0783 487788

E-mail us: zimkarts@yoafrica.com

You arrive... and then you drive !
No previous experience needed, you don't even have to know how to drive! We provide the track, the kart, the safety gear and the technical know-how: you provide the adrenaline, your 'need for speed' and your competitiveness!
What is 'arrive and drive '?
Senior and Junior karting sessions take place each weekend. The sessions offer individual drivers or groups, the chance to take to the track and enjoy the thrill of karting. Leave the excuses at home and come and try it out!
Birthday Parties
We offer custom birthday parties on Saturday or Sunday mornings. (Pre-booking is necessary for parties)

Sessions and costs
We are open Saturday and Sunday 12- 4.30. Track sessions are 5 mins long for both Senior and Junior Drivers. No booking required for 'arrive and drive', just come long and have fun!
